Bergamo: 4 - 5 June 2026

In a rapidly changing market environment, the business world increasingly needs dedicated information support - both visionary and vertical with respect to the topics of the furniture supply chain - but also with respect to the contract sectors in residential and hotellerie, RV and automotive, and yachting.

The Trend Talks opened with a panel discussion involving experts and opinion leaders and continued with the voices of some of the leading companies in the sectors involved; an ensamble that brought out the criticalities and opportunities of this era of ecological and digital transition.

Time Title Hall

10:00 am - 10:30 am


Ribbon cutting cerimony and institutional greetings

Caravaggio Hall




10:30 am

Business Outlook. Global innovation and local production: the evolution of materials, technologies and furniture markets.

Lorenzo Tavazzi, Senior Partner and Head of Scenarios & Intelligence, The European House of Ambrosetti

Jörg Buck, Managing Director AHK Italien

Edi Snaidero, President EFIC - Confederazione Europea dell'Industria del mobile

Alessandra Tracogna, Partner, Senior Expert, Custom Market Research CSIL

Piero Paganoni, President of Gruppo Legno, Confindustria Bergamo

Roger Reichert, Customer Experience & Marketing Specialist

Alfonso Tentori, Commercial Director Enterprise, Direzione Regionale Lombardia Nord, Intesa San Paolo




Caravaggio Hall




1 pm

Lifestyle Trendsetting: the new spaces for living, working and traveling

Giulio Salvadori, Director of the Osservatori Internet of Things, Connected Car & Mobility and e-Smart City, Osservatori Digital Innovation - School of Management - Politecnico di Milano

Sergio Buttiglieri, Style Director San Lorenzo

Renato Antonini, Journalist and motoring expert, About Camp

Focus on automotive: Astrid Van der Auwera, Design Manager at BASF Coatings expert on sustainable colour trends for automotive

Franco Caimi, Managing Director Caimi Brevetti

Erika D'Amico, Brand & Communications Director Gruppo Colombini

Silvana Riboldi, Head of Sales Formenti & Giovenzana




Caravaggio Hall




3 pm 

New production processes and technologies for the bedding industry
In collaboration with Möbelfertigung

The fully traceable mattress: Challenges and chances of implementing the digital product passport
Question and answer session between Rik Holvoet, Co-founder TripleR and Ronja Zoppke, International Marketing & Sustainability Manager Aquinos

Access to a circular upholstery and bedding industry with contemporary materials, design and processes

Martin Kloti, Managing Director Glarnish Textil, President Matratzen-Allianz

Round Table moderated by Donatella Bollani with:

Milva Morani, Global Marketing Officer Brighi

Jorida Ndreka, Software Training and Demo Specialist Crea Solution




Caravaggio Hall



3 pm

Microarchitectures: through design the vision of a new open-air living space

Giulia Delpiano, Founder and Architect®

Corrado Conti, Co-Founder and Designer®

Sergio Redaelli, Managing Director Crippaconcept

Moderated by Francesca Russo, Editorial Director Design Diffusion World



Product Stage Area



4:30 pm

Contract in hospitality: tailor-made innovation

Federico Spagnulo, Founder Spagnulo&Partners

Paolo Comacchio, Group Director Panzeri 1947

Moderated by Francesca Russo, Editorial Director Design Diffusion World



Product Stage Area



Time Title Hall




11:30 am

Textile trend and innovation, between comfort and eco-design
In collaboration with Möbelfertigung

Digital Product Passport: How to turn compliance obligations into profit

Rik Holvoet, Co-founder TripleR

Creating value through eco-design: sleep comfort and recyclability on a large scale

Ronja Zoppke, International Marketing & Sustainability Manager Aquinos

Solutions for a circular economy in the Swiss mattress market

Martin Klöti, Managing Director Glärnisch Textil and President Matratzen-Allianz

Panel Discussion

How the bedding industry is positioning itself towards the European Ecodesign regulation

Moderated by Frederik Lauwaert, Director European Bedding Industries' Association (EBIA)

Matteo Grassi, President and CEO Grassi Group

Julien Heusser, Chief Technology Officer SIMALFA®

Anna Cottuni, The Vita Group




Caravaggio Hall


12:00 pm

Building the future: resilient solutions

Paolo Lugaro, Lead Product Designer Pininfarina Architecture

Ivan Tallarico, Co-founder and CEO Designtech Hub

Moderated by Francesca Russo, Editorial Director Design Diffusion World


Product Stage Area




1:30 pm



Color Material Finish Design: between the physical and digital worlds, in search of new codes

Emma Clerici, Material Research Director and Manuela Bonaiti, Architect and Strategy Director, Baolab

Ursula Geissmann, Housing Analyst and Trend Expert

Barbara Del Curto, Ordinary Professor Politecnico di Milano

Focus on automotive: Claudia Khalil, General Manager, Khalil Design

Panel Discussion

Flavio Borghesi, Marketing Manager Tabu

Francesca Filippi, Export and Marketing Manager Filippi 1971

Sandro Marini, Communication and Art Director Musa



Caravaggio Hall



2:30 pm

Designing for sustainability and being sustainable: integration between architecture and business

Dario Donato, Founder and Design Principal Spatialconnection(s) Studio

Stefano Santilio, Area Manager Krion Solid Surface Italy

Moderated by Francesca Russo, Editorial Director Design Diffusion World




Product Stage Area





3:30 pm

Low-impact materials and supply chain sustainability: how supply evolves

Sascha Peters, Founder and owner Haute Innovation

Federico Brugnoli, Founder and Sole Director Spin360

Roberto Simonutti, Associate Professor Department of Materials Science, Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca

Micol Costi, Materials Expert & Sustainable Innovation Consultant

Panel Discussion

Elena Caravaggio, Sustainability Manager Italy, BASF Italia

Nicola Iaccheri, Key Account Architecture Supervisor Laminam

Giampiero Mariottini, Marketing Manager Listone Giordano

Maurizio Riva, President Riva1920





Caravaggio Hall

Design & Event Partner

Caimi Brevetti S.P.A.
Caimi Brevetti S.P.A.
KHALIL Design e.K.
KHALIL Design e.K.
RIVA Industria Mobili SPA
RIVA Industria Mobili SPA