Bergamo: 4 - 5 giugno 2026

Nell’area dedicata al matchmaking, allestita per l’occasione, gli espositori hanno avuto la possibilità di pianificare incontri one to one con studi e società di progettazione, general contractor e buyer italiani e internazionali. 

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AKSU/SUARDI was founded in 2007 by S. Aksu and his partner Silvia Suardi, and operates in the sectors of OFFICE FURNITURE, GENERAL FURNISHINGS, PRODUCT DESIGN and INTERIOR DESIGN (commercial spaces, restaurants and bars, residences), ART DIRECTION AND STRATEGIC CONSULTING.
Studio AKSU/SUARDI always experiments with new paths towards a better understanding of design, combining good design (Italy) and functionality (Germany). S.Aksu always goes beyond the limits to achieve the best possible result for every product/project designed using advanced technologies, new materials and colors (MFC).
Recycling, nature-friendly materials, evolution and innovation are important keywords.

awards.Red DOT design award, Design Turkey , Good Design USA , Design Nomine GERMANY 2x,  ADI Design Index 3x, ADI Compasso d’oro / Menzione d’onore , EDIDA Elle Decoration Design Award, Robb Report – Best of the Best, Kapok China

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Alibaba è una delle maggiori piattaforme di e-commerce B2B al mondo. Mette in contatto venditori e acquirenti professionali in circa 200 Paesi grazie alla leva commerciale del commercio digitale.
Nata nel 1999, in un'epoca in cui fare business online era ancora un'idea pionieristica, offre numerosi servizi che mirano a facilitare l'e-commerce B2B, fornendo gli strumenti, in particolare alle PMI, per raggiungere un pubblico professionale in tutto il mondo e aiutare gli acquirenti a individuare nuovi venditori, ottimizzando tempi e costi e snellendo il numero di processi.

Attualmente copre 40 settori e 5.900 categorie di prodotti e registra circa 300.000 ricerche di prodotti al giorno. Si tratta di un mercato globale, completo e attivo e di un partner di fiducia per tutti gli operatori professionali che si occupano di commercio di beni e prodotti. Su oltre 200.000 venditori possono raggiungere più di 47 milioni di acquirenti in tutto il mondo, moltiplicando così le possibilità di fare affari.

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Castiglioni Hue Design

The studio's activity is mainly the design and construction of residential environments and the world of hospitality.

We are based in Stockholm, Sweden but we are present in Italy in Verona and Catania and in Switzerland in Lugano thanks to our team and our partners.

We also deal with industrial design thanks to our laboratory of creative ideas for the creation of new products, and we see Made in Italy and Made in Sweden supplies and accessories through our e-shop.

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Sleep is the most important aspect in everybody's life, it is part of the three pillars of a long healthy life together with a balanced diet and daily cardio-vascular exercise. Not being able to sleep properly makes the day start in the most difficult way.
In Dorsal we strive to think, create and deliver the Anatomical Bed System that matches each person’s personal needs.
This is why for three generations we have focus on finding new materials, new technologies, new solutions and put a lot of passion in the bedding.

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e-smartmöbel UG

We are developing and producing electronic smart furniture in all kind of rooms. We are specialized in automated systems especially in smart home.

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Erwin Hymer Group SE

Innovative materials and forward-thinking CMF design – that's what defines the brand. KHALIL Design was founded in 1986 by Claudia Khalil, headquartered in South Germany, led in second generation by the daughter Lavinia Khalil, who constantly is driving KHALIL into more interactive design solutions.

KHALIL ranks among the world's leading design studios. As a trendsetter and partner to the premium automotive industry, KHALIL is a renowned expert in the development of new surface innovations and material concepts.

KHALIL not only creates sustainable material concepts but also offers innovative design application and develops design strategies for products of renowned manufacturers, including industries such as transportation - Aviation, Bus & Rail, Furniture & Interior Design, Product Design, as well as Fashion & Lifestyle.


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Luano Camp
Marco Canuti

ITALIAN COMPANY: sector furniture (kitchen-vanity-wardorbes)  main business is to follow European companies in the contract sector.

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Morbide Creazioni

Arteda S.r.l., è una nuova società, evoluzione di una lunga e prestigiosa carriera che si è evoluta nell’ambito della produzione di arredi imbottiti. Inoltre gode di una lunga esperienza nell’ambito del tessile casa grazie alla divisione dedicata con marchio Morbide Creazioni.

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Nooma Sp Z O.O is a design brand committed to elevating the feel-good living experience. Offering a diverse range of furniture and accessories, adds a touch of comfort and joy to every home, regardless of its style. With a range of over 150 original designs, has already brought comfort to 100,000+ happy customers all over Europe while maintaining a dedication to transparency, sustainability, and environmentally conscious practices.

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Paolo Gerosa Studio, Interior & product Designer

We are a manufacturer of plastic products - we achieve high quality by improving processes and technologies, using modern machines and devices, the guarantee of their effective use is the experience and high level of qualified staff who have been working for the company's successes for years

At the Electrical Engineering Department we however employ personnel specialized in precise assembly and production of electrotechnical components.

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Soiel International

La casa editrice Soiel International nasce nel 1980 con il mensile Office Automation, tra i primi magazine rivolti ai temi del neonato settore dell’Information and Communication Technologies. Nel 1984 l’offerta si amplia con Officelayout, la rivista per chi progetta e gestisce lo spazio ufficio e nel 2000 con Executive.IT è il bimestrale di strategia di Gartner rivolto al top management. Dal 2004 Innovazione. PA ospita il racconto di un’Italia che vuole perseguire l’obiettivo della trasformazione digitale.

Dal 1993 Soiel organizza convegni, seminari, corsi in presenza e on line estendendo le attività verso formule di creazione di contenuti multimediali e comunicazione online specifiche per contesti B2B

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